Confirmed Speakers
We are proud to announce the following speakers to be on site for the 4th CRC1208 conference:
Sonja Billerbeck
University of Groningen
"The yeast toxicome: Molecular insights and applications of a group of secreted antifungal proteins"
Bernadette Byrne
Charissa de Bekker
University of Utrecht
"Unravelling the fungal effectors and insect host targets involved in parasitic hijacking of host behaviours"
Thomas Günther-Pomorski
Ruhr University of Bochum
"Lipid flippases: Building membranes and transport vesicles"
Inga Hänelt
Kai Heimel
University of Göttingen
"Unconventional role of a fungal signal peptide peptidase in plant pathogenesis"
Eamonn Reading
King's College London
"The Backbone of Multidrug Efflux in RND-Type Pumps"
Kheya Sengupta
Lilach Sheiner
University of Glasgow
"Mitochondrial membranes biology in the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii"
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