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Collaborative Research Center 1208
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Lipidomics Group: title tba
A01: The hemolysin secretion machinery of E. coli
A02: A novel membrane-bound phospholipase B of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A03: Functional state modulation of membrane proteins by dynamic association and dissociation
Project A05: The role of LIPP at the host plasma membrane of invading Chlamydia
A06: Dynamics and trafficking of mGBP protein complexes within membranous compartments
A07: Unravelling the interactions of mGBP proteins with lipid membranes
A08: Structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins during membrane association and dissociation studied by hp-FRET
A09: Dynamic endosomal transport and unconventional secretion
A10: Membrane translocation and chaperone-dependent folding of the lipases A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A11: Amphiphilic precision macromolecules to study effects of membrane dynamics
A12: Interrogating CD95 Membrane Protein Complex Formation and Signalling for Life or Death
A13: Optogenetic membrane manipulation of protein targeting to mitochondria and plastids
A14: Dynamic membrane organization at the growing tip of root hairs
B01: Understanding the function of Lethal (2) giant discs (Lgd) and ESCRT-III
B02: Specific roles of Atg8s in vesicle trafficking
B04: Intermembrane transport of CLAVATA receptors and signalling modifiers
B05: Protein interactions for the dynamic regulation of the IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) and cellular metal trafficking
B06: Communication relies on copper - Receptor-metal complex formation and degradation in the ethylene receptor family
B09: Exploring the symbiotic interface of amoebal host and its nascent photosynthetic organelle in the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora (Rhizaria, Cercozoa)
B11: Role of DUF 3411 proteins in the interaction of plastids with the cytoplasm
B12: Role of MICOS-dependent cristae membrane dynamics within mitochondria
B13: The role of amino acid transporters in glutamate signaling in plants
B14: The role of Adhesion GPCRs in the regulation of cell shape
INF: Information Infrastructure Project: Acquisition - Processing - Storage - Sharing: Research data management in interdisciplinary membrane research
Z01: Characterization of membrane protein complexes by protein mass spectrometry
Z02: In vivo fluorescence imaging - Analysis of membrane protein complexes in space and time
Nacht der Wissenschaft
pART of Research Calendar Competition
MB Train Lecture Series
MB Train - Graduate School of CRC 1208
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Collaborative Research Center 1208
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SFB / CRC 1208 Team
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Lipidomics Group: title tba
A01: The hemolysin secretion machinery of E. coli
A02: A novel membrane-bound phospholipase B of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A03: Functional state modulation of membrane proteins by dynamic association and dissociation
Project A05: The role of LIPP at the host plasma membrane of invading Chlamydia
A06: Dynamics and trafficking of mGBP protein complexes within membranous compartments
A07: Unravelling the interactions of mGBP proteins with lipid membranes
A08: Structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins during membrane association and dissociation studied by hp-FRET
A09: Dynamic endosomal transport and unconventional secretion
A10: Membrane translocation and chaperone-dependent folding of the lipases A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A11: Amphiphilic precision macromolecules to study effects of membrane dynamics
A12: Interrogating CD95 Membrane Protein Complex Formation and Signalling for Life or Death
A13: Optogenetic membrane manipulation of protein targeting to mitochondria and plastids
A14: Dynamic membrane organization at the growing tip of root hairs
B01: Understanding the function of Lethal (2) giant discs (Lgd) and ESCRT-III
B02: Specific roles of Atg8s in vesicle trafficking
B04: Intermembrane transport of CLAVATA receptors and signalling modifiers
B05: Protein interactions for the dynamic regulation of the IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) and cellular metal trafficking
B06: Communication relies on copper - Receptor-metal complex formation and degradation in the ethylene receptor family
B09: Exploring the symbiotic interface of amoebal host and its nascent photosynthetic organelle in the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora (Rhizaria, Cercozoa)
B11: Role of DUF 3411 proteins in the interaction of plastids with the cytoplasm
B12: Role of MICOS-dependent cristae membrane dynamics within mitochondria
B13: The role of amino acid transporters in glutamate signaling in plants
B14: The role of Adhesion GPCRs in the regulation of cell shape
INF: Information Infrastructure Project: Acquisition - Processing - Storage - Sharing: Research data management in interdisciplinary membrane research
Z01: Characterization of membrane protein complexes by protein mass spectrometry
Z02: In vivo fluorescence imaging - Analysis of membrane protein complexes in space and time
Nacht der Wissenschaft
pART of Research Calendar Competition
MB Train Lecture Series
MB Train - Graduate School of CRC 1208
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Math.-Nat. Faculty
Collaborative Research Center 1208
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Redaktionsteam SFB 1208
: Contact by e-mail
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