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pART of Research Calendar Competition

There is a lot of work in science - and also a lot of art. Whether it’s the coffee cup print on important notes, a picture from the last field research or impurities under the microscope - surprises, mishaps or the long-awaited result. And science is exchange.

This year 27 pictures from four of the five faculties were submitted to the competition under the motto: "Your Research - Your Art Work". We would like to thank all participants and all those who took the time to vote! The 12 most popular images (at least one from each of the participating faculties) are compiled in the "pART of Research Calendar 2023".
Congratulations to Inga, Jannik and Madhumitha, whose pictures made it into the final selection!

On 17.10.2022, the pART of Research Calendar 2023 was officially presented and the researchers commented on their images. Special guest at the event and inspiration for all artistically interested academics was HHU chemist Dr. Bernd M. Schmidt with his current collaboration project .
The calendar is now available at all officies of Heine Research Academies and the Diversity Section at the Heine Center for Sustainable Development - Diversity, Environment, Health.