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4th CRC 1208 Conference on site at HHU

10.03.2023 – From 07 to 09 March 2023, the CRC 1208 hosted its 4th international conference "Dynamics of Membrane Systems" on-site at Heinrich Heine University. Both scientifically stimulating and also a fun, internationally renowned speakers presented their research on different aspects of membrane research.
Eleven invited speakers and six project leaders from the CRC 1208 of Heinrich Heine University presented their research in diverse fields of membrane biology, with doctoral researchers from the CRC acting as chairs guiding through the programme.
The thematic focus has traditionally been on the special molecular processes that enable and control communication and metabolic transport between cells and cell compartments in and on membranes. "Membrane transporters", "Communication in endomembrane systems", " Lipid-protein interaction" are just some of the topics. Special attention was also given to the necessary special methods combining structural, biochemical and cellular techniques to elucidate the molecular and cellular processes.
or many participants it was the first conference without (travel) restrictions due to corona protection measures. The free participation in the lectures and the on-site exchange with the guests who had travelled to the conference was highly appreciated by all.

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208
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