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Eva, Sven and Parth at ISE 2023

Eva Nowak (SFB1208 deputy spokesperson and team leader), Sven B Gould (team leader) and Parth K. Raval (PhD reseracher) deliver talks at the Chicago field museum in a meeting celebrating 40 years of endocytobiology by International Society of Endocytobiology.

Sven takes us 2 billion years back with the origin of mitochondria and the emergence of complex lifeforms. Parth discusses origin of the second key endosymbiont, chloroplast, and its role in the global greening. Eva captures these events in action with independent examples of symbionts to organelle transitions from the protist world.


Kategorie/n: SFB 1208

Sven at ISE 2023


Parth at ISE 2023


A behind the scene tour of the dinosaur prep lab at the field museum.

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