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Leonhard Urner, TU Dortmund: "From detergents to drug discovery" - CRC 1208 Lecture, June 23rd, 2022, HS 6K

Leonhard Urner, TU Dortmund, Germany, will give a talk about "From detergents to drug discovery"

When drugs are administered to human bodies it is likely that therapeutic effects are caused by interactions between membrane proteins, lipids, and drugs. The investigation of membrane protein function in response to drug binding is traditionally enabled by membrane mimetics. However, finding the right membrane mimetic for protein purification and analysis can be challenging. Herein, latest progresses are presented in the optimization of membrane mimetics for studying interactions between membrane proteins, lipids, and drugs. The academic value of this research progress is currently sustained through a drug discovery program. Since January 2022, my drug discovery program is financed by the Ministry of Culture and Science in NRW through a NRW return program grant. Aim of my current research is to explore new treatment strategies for infections with drug-resistant bacteria.

Dr. Leonhard Urner studied at Freie Universität Berlin, where he also obtained his doctorate. During this time, he specialized in organic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry with the aim of understanding and controlling the molecular properties of soap. After completing his doctoral degree, he spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, where he succeeded in developing soaps that simplify the examination of bacterial membranes. With his new junior research group “AntiBac” at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology his aim is to research new active ingredients for combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria in order to better treat resistant bacterial infections in the future.

Host: Lutz Schmitt

Guests are welcome!

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
4:30 p.m..

Meeting-Link: hhu.webex.com/hhu/j.php

Meeting-Kennnummer: 2731 373 1595
Passwort: 7tyUebx2V4i

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208
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