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Career Training

The module “Career Training” aims at enabling MB Train fellows to build up consciously an individual and sustainable profile of diverse key competencies, corresponding to national and international demands, completing their exceptional profile of scientific expertise and professionalism. This module is subdivided into different disciplines.

Personal career development plan

One unique asset of the MB Train concept is the compulsory course "Personal Development Plan" (PDP).
The PDP is a strategic vision, that guides doctoral researchers through their path of decision-taking about their future professional situation and professional actions, in accordance with a thoroughly established list of identified personal strengths, interests and values.
The courses are given between the 15th - 18th month of the doctorate, in order to encourage MB Train members to reflect at an early stage career job visions and professional requirements, individual abilities and personal philosophies, critical for taking appropriate decisions about the personal career path.

The workshop consists of two dates and is planned for fixed groups of 3 persons in Online-Meetings or 6 persons in attendance, depending on the current situation.
Participants will be grouped by the CRC coordination and iGRAD and informed by Email at an appropiate time before course start.

Postdocs have the opportunity to take part in the the courses of JUNO, especially the Academic Career Development Programme.

Profession-relevant transferable skill courses

In a well-balanced curriculum MB Train fellows attend at least three training courses in transferable skills of the thematic areas ‘Presentation/Rhetorics/Communication’, ‘Project management/Self management/Organisation‘ and ‘Professional teaching and Learning/Didactics’. MB Train is a member of the interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf (iGRAD) at the Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Sciences of HHU, and benefit from iGRAD’s central services regarding the organisation and evaluation of its transferable skills and science-related qualification workshops.

Here you find more information about iGRAD and its workshop program.

Career Days

MB Train early-stage researchers receive support to organize career meetings with guests outside the "official" CRC 1208 meetings. They invite representatives from non-academic institutions or companies to obtain inside information about careers, recruitment and successful profiles and to get personal insights into professional routines and tasks outside the university. Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers organize the event by themselves, request and obtain assistance through the MB Train coordination, as needed.

Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Conduct of Research

All doctoral researchers of MB Train attend a training in “Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Conduct of Research”, based on the recommended curriculum of the Ombudsman for Science of the DFG at the start of their doctorate. According to the doctorate regulations of the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS) participation in this course is obligatory for all doctoral researchers of the Faculty since 2012.
Participants learn about faculty and HHU structures, that provide help in a conflict situation (Ombudspersons of the faculties, standing HHU Commission to ensure good Scientific Practice).

CRC 1208 offers this course also to postdocs, who have not participated in such a course during their Ph.D. time.

Career advancement for postdoctoral researchers

The CRC offers the opportunity to participate in a career development program and advanced training courses
for its postdoctoral fellows, specifically addressing the needs at this particular career stage. The interdisciplinary
training program for postdocs, junior research group leaders and junior professors offered by HHU’s
Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) supports the early scientific autonomy of the
young academics at HHU.
The English-speaking „Academic Career Development Program“ specifically contributes to professionalize the management of the day-to-day academic research environment
and will prepare advanced postdocs for (future) management tasks in academia. JUNO offers an open workshop program with key professional and vocational qualifications, that prepare early career stage researchers for potential jobs in and/or outside university. Other event formats, e.g. „HeRA Werkstatt“ (a structured discussion and workshop event) and HeRA Lunch (the informative lunch break), complement the JUNO programme.